AthletiCheck Website


For the final project in ICS 314, we were supposed to create a website that demonstrated our knowledge of both front-end and back-end web development using Meteor and Semantic React in IntelliJ. Our project was AthletiCheck, a website designed to provide easy access to athlete profiles for both the athlete and the trainer, create a single location for all of an athlete’s annotated visits with their trainers, and allow for commenting on specific trainer visits. We used the meteor-application-template-react template to create the website, and Digital Ocean to host the site.

My Experience

My role in the project was to complete the pages assigned to me, as well as organize the big-picture back-end framework, making sure my group members were able to seamlessly get the back-end of their pages working. More specifically, I was in charge of making the Athlete Profile Page, Admin Athlete Profile Page, and the Edit Profile page, both front-end and back-end (see pictures below). I also worked on the publication methods and definitions of all of the collections for our database. I really enjoyed this role, as it provided me with the type of hands-on experience that forces you to learn and understand the content instead of just copying what was taught in class. I feel like this project helped me genuinely understand the tech stack used in this class. I developed the technical understanding to have the confidence to know how to approach any issues we came across and find a reasonable solution for it. This project also provided me with a great opportunity to actually practice collaborative software development through idea-driven project management and version control.


Admin Athlete Page

(Note: the Athlete Page is identical, minus the buttons to add visits and edit the profile)

Edit Profile Page
